Schedule of Events for Monday, 10 April

Ljubljana, 9 April - Below is a schedule of events for Monday, 10 April:

LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg - The EU foreign ministers, including Slovenia's Dimitrij Rupel, are to hold a regular monthly session. (STA)

STRASBOURG, France - The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE) is to start is spring session with the focus on the relations with the EU, human rights in the CoE member states, poverty and fight against corruption. A delegation of the Slovenian parliament is also to attend.

SKOPJE, Macedonia - Agriculture Minister Marija Lukacic is to travel to Skopje on a two-day official visit on the invitation of her Macedonian counterpart Sadula Duraku.

LJUBLJANA - Social partners are to resume talks on 2006-2009 social agreement after a short break. They are to focus on accelerating technological development, increasing investments in science, achieving a more competitive economy and faster growth. The head of the government's negotiating team Dusan Krajnik is to give a statement after the meeting at 4:15 PM. (STA)

MONTANA, Bulgaria - Representatives of Slovenia's Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief are to attend a conference ahead of the EU TACOM-SEE 2006 exercise.

LJUBLJANA - The government's Development Office is to hold a press conference at noon to talk about the visit of the joint government-trade union delegation to Scandinavian countries, which took place between 3 and 7 April. State Secretary at the Development Office Andrej Horvat, the head of the delegation, is also to attend.

LJUBLJANA - "Partnership for Equality", a programme within the EU's EQUAL project for the prevention of all forms of discrimination in employment, is to be presented at noon.

PORTOROZ - A three-day international meeting on district energy is to get underway at 2 PM, organised by the Slovenian District Energy Association (SDDE) and the Institute for District Energy. Environment and Spatial Planning Minister Janez Podobnik and Economics Minister Andrej Vizjak are also to attend.

LJUBLJANA - The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry (KGZS) is to talk to the press at 11 AM about current issues in the field of agriculture.

LJUBLJANA - The Association Slovenia-Russia is to hold a meeting at 6 PM to mark the association's 10th anniversary.

BRNIK - The Slovenian Swimming Association is to hold a press conference at 6 PM at the Slovenia's main airport Brnik to talk about the achievements at this year's eighth Swimming World Championships in China's Shanghai.

LJUBLJANA - Press review. (STA)

In case of further queries please contact duty editor at +386 1 241 0109:

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM: Gorazd Jukovic
3:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Sebastijan Macek

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