Tuerk, Josipovic, Napolitano Visit Narodni Dom

Trieste, 13 July - The presidents of Slovenia, Italy and Croatia, Danilo Tuerk, Giorgio Napolitano and Ivo Josipovic, met in Trieste on Tuesday in an effort to heal World War II wounds among the countries. The trio honoured the victims of both Italian and Yugoslav regimes before, during and after WWII.

Italija, Trst. Srečanje predsednika republike Danila Türka z italijanskim predsednikom Giorgiom Napolitanom in hrvaškim predsednikom Ivom Josipovičem. Predsednik republike Danilo Türk je položil venec k spominski tabli na pročelju Narodnega doma. Hrvaški predsednik Ivo Josipovič, predsednik republike Danilo Türk, italijanski predsednik Giorgio Napolitano. Foto: Tina Kosec/STA

Italija, Trst.
Srečanje predsednika republike Danila Türka z italijanskim predsednikom Giorgiom Napolitanom in hrvaškim predsednikom Ivom Josipovičem.
Predsednik republike Danilo Türk je položil venec k spominski tabli na pročelju Narodnega doma.
Hrvaški predsednik Ivo Josipovič, predsednik republike Danilo Türk, italijanski predsednik Giorgio Napolitano.
Foto: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy A meeting of the presidents of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, Ivo Josipovic, Danilo Tuerk and Giorgio Napolitano. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
A meeting of the presidents of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, Ivo Josipovic, Danilo Tuerk and Giorgio Napolitano.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste. Pictured from left to right: The presidents of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, Ivo Josipovic, Danilo Tuerk and Giorgio Napolitano. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste.
Pictured from left to right: The presidents of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, Ivo Josipovic, Danilo Tuerk and Giorgio Napolitano.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
A ceremony in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk laying a wreath in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk laying a wreath in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left) laying a wreath in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste. Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left) laying a wreath in front of Narodni dom, the cultural centre of the Slovenian minority in Italy, which was burnt down on 13 July 1920 in what is widely believes to be the start of Fascism in Trieste.
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (centre) and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (right). Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (centre) and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (right).
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (centre) and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (right). Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (centre) and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (right).
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right). Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right).
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right). Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right).
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right). Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

Trieste, Italy
The meeting of Slovenian president Danilo Tuerk (left), Italian President Giorgio Napolitano (centre) and Croatian President Ivo Josipovic (right).
Photo: Tina Kosec/STA

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