Daily headlines - Friday, 10 June

Ljubljana, 10 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 10 June:


Population ageing
"Fifth of Slovenians aged 65 or more": Slovenia is facing population ageing, as most developed countries are, but there has never been a comprehensive demographics policy to tackle this in the country. Ideology often plays a role in discussing related issues. (front page, page 3)

Museum scandal
"Car: I trusted the wrong person": Severe criticism and allegations about the authenticity of an exhibition that was supposed to open at the National Museum bringing big names to Ljubljana such as Picasso, Degas and van Gogh led to the resignation of the museum's director. (front page, pages 4, 7)

Ljubljana awards
"Lifetime achievement award to Počivavšek": Župančič Awards, the Ljubljana municipality's top accolades for achievements in culture, were awarded yesterday with sculptor Matjaž Počivavšek receiving the lifetime achievement award.


Croatian currency
"This year marks last time we'll be buying kuna": Since Croatia is to adopt euro as its currency next year, this year will be the last when Slovenians heading to Croatia for holidays will be exchanging euros into kunas. (front page, page 5, commentary 14)

"When the postcode determines the price of vaccination": The price of vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is determined by the place of residence with the prices varying even between neighbouring municipalities. In some areas people who get the disease often do not get any discounts. (front page, page 3)


Museum scandal
"Scandal swept away director": The National Museum is without a director from yesterday due to a contentious exhibition that was supposed to be put on at the museum but now appears to feature fakes. Ex-director Pavel Car stepped down due to objective responsibility for this. (front page, pages 8, 9)

Anti-graft watchdog
"Integrity as higher standard": The head of the anti-corruption watchdog warns that their recommendations and decisions are ignored by senior state officials. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Park fountain stolen": A large bronze fountain was stolen from the Maribor city park during construction works. The police are investigating the theft, and questions have been raised about the mechanisms put in place to protect the sculpture. (front page, page 19)

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