Govt-funded programme boosts minority's economic base in Hungary
Szentgotthard, 24 January - The Association of Slovenians in Hungary has carried out 39 projects as part of a EUR 2.1 million programme for the 2021-2024 period to strengthen the Slovenian ethnic minority's economic base in the Raba Valley, an area known in Slovenian as Porabje.
Szentgotthard, Hungary
Andrea Kovacs, head of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary, an organisation of the Slovenian ethnic minority.
Photo: Vida Toš/STA
Szentgotthard, Hungary
Andrea Kovacs, head of the Association of Slovenians in Hungary, an organisation of the Slovenian ethnic minority.
Photo: Vida Toš/STA
The programme has boosted economic and tourist development, with the association president Andrea Kovacs assessing it as a success.
She told the STA on Friday that the programme was supported by the Slovenian and Hungarian governments. In Slovenia, the funds came from the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport.
In two open calls, 22 projects of sole proprietors, micro and small companies received funds alongside 17 projects submitted by municipalities and associations.
Kovacs highlighted as very important the purchase of new equipment and machines, reconstruction of tourism infrastructure, and energy efficiency improvement projects on buildings.
She is also happy that young entrepreneurs have made good use of the available funds, which shows that "youth see great prospects in Porabje".
They have the option of developing their businesses and create new jobs, "and - more importantly - these examples will attract other young people".
The programme has improved the quality of living and better connected the local community, while the projects by municipalities and associations have created a pleasant environment for locals and tourists.
Singling out a few projects, she pointed to a young farmer in Felsőszölnök who started a meat processing business under the brand "helyi kmet".
"His products are popular among local buyers and tourists," she said. In Apátistvánfalva, a sole proprietor founded a tasting house and a business for processing of local products.
Kovacs is convinced that the right people have received the funds and that the results can be seen throughout Porabje.
Building on the success of the programme in Porabje, Slovenia will launch a broader programme for 2025-2028 to promote the economic base of the Slovenian ethnic minorities in all neighbouring countries, apart from Hungary also in Italy, Austria and Croatia.
The new programme will focus on economic development and promote cooperation between Slovenian minorities and Slovenia, Kovacs said.
She is happy that the Slovenian government has recognised the importance of measures for strengthening the economic base and preserving Slovenian identity abroad.