Session of the republican Assembly
Ljubljana, 23 October - All three chambers will be in session today at the Slovene Assembly. On today's agenda is the issue of Health care service. The chambers have already discused this matter on their session on May 22nd, and requested from the government to prepare proposals for solving the accumulated problems concerning the Health service. Because this decision was not realized, the chambers will again discuss this issue, this time in the light of the resent strike by the Health workers. Essentially, this will be an initial discussion preceding the debate on the Health legislation package. This includes the draft of the law on health servis activities, health care, health insurance and on the activities of pharmacies. All three chambers will also consider the proposal for the law on official taxes, which is important because it will determine the tax level appearing on the registration form used for the new Slovene passport. Also on their agenda is a proposal for appending the law on citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia and a draft of the law on invalid and pensione insurance. It is expected that all three chambers shall also put on the agenda the government's proposal for the law on moratorium of the transformation of public ownership until ownership laws are adopted. In all probability, the draft of the forestry law shall be taken off today's agenda.