Schedule of Events for Tuesday, 7 June

Ljubljana, 6 June - Below is a schedule of events for Tuesday, 7 June:

LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg - Finance Minister Andrej Bajuk is to attend a session of EU finance ministers, to discuss the next EU financial perspective among other items. (STA)

LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg - Economics Minister Andrej Vizjak is to attend the second day of a session of the EU Council for Competitiveness, at which Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potocnik is to present a proposal for 7th framework programme for science and research.

SEVILLE, Spain - Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman Dimitrij Rupel is to address a forum of non-governmental organisations, held on the sidelines of the OSCE conference on combating anti-Semitism to begin in Cordoba on Wednesday.

VIENNA, Austria - Justice Minister Lovro Sturm is to conclude his two-day visit to Austria.

CETINJE, Serbia-Montenegro - Foreign Ministry State Secretary Bozo Cerar is to attend the last day of a ministerial meeting of members of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative.

BLED - The supervisory board for Slovenia's Single Programming Document for the 2004-2006 period is to hold a meeting; projects financed from structural funds are to be presented at news conference at 1 PM.

LJUBLJANA - A two-day plenary conference of the Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) network is to begin; a news conference is scheduled for 10:15 AM.

LJUBLJANA - The 4th festival of NGOs, LUPA, is to begin, to run until 14 June. It is to open with the presentation of NGOs at "Non-Governmental Bazaar" in Zvezda Park at 1 PM.

LJUBLJANA - The Stritar Award for young authors and theatre critics is to be conferred at 12 AM.

LJUBLJANA - Press review. (STA)

In case of further queries please contact duty editor at +386 1 241 0109:

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM: Eva Horvat
3:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Sebastijan Macek

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