
Time  Cat      Title 
18:55 PO Three countries removed from green list as measure to contain Covid-19 (adds)
more statements by Hojs, reaction by Czechia throughout
18:14 AS MoravĨe mayor introducing strict anti-corona measures (adds)
recasts with population figure, reaction
17:11 AS Third trial for Chemistry Institute boss murder gets under way
16:46 HE Govt decides against general ban on visits to nursing homes
14:41 HE Sixteen Covid-19 cases detected in 1,274 tests on Thursday (adds)
details in final three para
14:01 AS Weather: Dry but windy
12:43 HE Govt absolves four hospitals of bailout payback duty (adds)
explanation for Slovenj Gradec hospital in final para
6:30 AS Weather: Scattered showers
News count: 8