
Time  Cat      Title 
21:16 PO Fajon for CNN: Palestine recognition sends message to Israel, Hamas about the need for ceasefire
20:50 PO CORRECTION: Top court specifies judges' pay rise, orders factoring in 10 years of inflation (adds)
body that responded on behalf of judges in para 14
20:25 PO Key systemic reforms introduced too slowly, Ombudsman says
20:16 PO Committee uneasy about Criminal Procedure Act changes increasing data privacy
20:11 PO Addiko Bank turns to top court over tax on bank total assets
19:41 PO Slovenia urges Iraq to adopt anti-sexual violence legislation
19:11 PO Sava Basin Agreement celebrates 20 years
18:32 PO Slovenia and Palestine establish diplomatic relations
18:26 PO ArĨon discusses business projects with minority in Hungary
17:52 PO President calls on Slovenians to turn out for EU vote
17:46 PO Websites of some state bodies inaccessible due to technical difficulties
17:29 PO Ex-UKOM boss charged with abuse of office for suspending STA funding
17:23 PO BTC gets new logistics centre
16:28 PO Top court green-lights referendum on assisted dying
16:02 PO Committee backs three education bills
15:15 HE President critical of poor accessibility of vital online services for blind
15:09 PO Freedom Movement notes fundamental EU values in campaign event
14:02 PO Jurist says both coalition and opposition violated rules
13:44 PO Palestine recognition preceded by years of attempts (background)
12:27 AC Days of Solidarity with Palestinians get under way in Maribor
11:44 HE Chamber wants less red tape and fewer sanctions in healthcare quality bill
11:13 PO Turnout at 1.2% on first day of early EU and referendum voting
8:58 PO Daily headlines - Wednesday, 5 June
8:39 PO Speaker says move to challenge Palestine recognition would not succeed
8:00 PO Parties agree on digital taxation, views on media freedom differ (feature)
1:00 PO Dnevnik says Slovenia should at least help Gaza children
News count: 26