Mercator Continues to Lead Charge on LJSE

Ljubljana, 5 April - Grocer Mercator was on steroids on Wednesday as investors responded to news that London-based Altima Partners was looking to buy 24.99% of the company at SIT 41,000 (EUR 171.09) per share. Led by Mercator's 4-plus percent surge, the big name heavy SBI TOP index ended 19.39 pts higher to 1,053.49. The SBI 20 benchmark index did not lag far behind, picking up 77.64 pts to 4,623.36.

Benchmark Index, SBI 20                 4,623.36 pts    +77.64 pts         +1.71%
Slovenian Blue Chip Index (SBI TOP)     1,053.49        +19.39             +1.88%
Investment Fund Index, PIX              3,969.01        +63.05             +1.61%
Bond Index, BIO                           119.36         +0.03             +0.03%
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