Schedule of Events for Friday, 14 April

Ljubljana, 13 April - Below is a schedule of events for Friday, 14 April:

MARIBOR - Economics Minister Andrej Vizjak and the assistant general manager of the power producer Dravske elektrarne Maribor, Marjan Smon, are to speak to the press at 10:30 AM about several planned hydro power stations on the Mura river. (STA)

LJUBLJANA - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) is to present their macroeconomic forecasts and outline the GZS's activity in social dialogue at a news conference scheduled for 10:30 AM. (STA)

LJUBLJANA - The National Education Institute is to present a report on the disputed scheme introduced at Brsljin primary school near Novo mesto, which is attended by many Romany children. A news conference scheduled for 9 AM.

LJUBLJANA - Press review. (STA)

In case of further queries please contact duty editor at +386 1 241 0109:

8:30 AM to 3:30 PM: Eva Horvat
3:30 PM to 10:00 PM: Gorazd Jukovic

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