Blue Chips Keep LJSE in the Black

Ljubljana, 14 April - Blue chips recorded another day in the black on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, pushing the SBI 20 benchmark index up 6.32 points to 4,757.40, while the recently introduced SBI TOP index added 0.22 points to 1,079.49 on Friday.

Retailer Mercator meanwhile continued to slide, losing 1.42% to SIT 41,073 (EUR 171.43), barely staying above the takeover offer of SIT 41,000 (EUR 171.13) by the British Altima fund.

Benchmark Index, SBI 20                 4,757.40 pts     +6.32 pts         +0.13%
Slovenian Blue Chip Index (SBI TOP)     1,079.49         +0.22             +0.02%
Investment Fund Index, PIX              3,912.38         -2.72             -0.07%
Bond Index, BIO                           119.50         -0.33             -0.28%
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