Rising Krka Pushes SBI 20 Index to 2006 Record High

Ljubljana, 25 April - Upbeat quarterly results by pharma company Krka and excellent performances by almost all of the country's blue chips pushed the SBI 20 benchmark index 104.62 points higher to a new 2006 record high of 4,902.71 on Tuesday. The big name heavy SBI TOP index added 24.83 points to 1,122.26 points. Below is a roundup of major indices following today's trading at the LJSE.

Benchmark Index, SBI 20                 4,902.71 pts   +104.62 pts         +2.18%
Slovenian Blue Chip Index, SBI TOP      1,122.26        +24.83             +2.26%
Investment Fund Index, PIX              4,006.65        +74.56             +1.90%
Bond Index, BIO                           119.84         -0.12             -0.10%
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