Blue Chip Surge Halted

Ljubljana, 26 April - The strong run by Slovenian blue chips came to a halt on Wednesday as investors began to cash-in profits made up in recent days. In mixed trading the SBI 20 benchmark index fell 5.39 points to 4,897.32, while the big name heavy SBI TOP index dropped 1.36 points to 1,120.90. Below is a roundup of major indices following today's trading at the LJSE.

Benchmark Index, SBI 20                 4,897.32 pts     -5.39 pts         -0.11%
Slovenian Blue Chip Index, SBI TOP      1,120.90         -1.36             -0.12%
Investment Fund Index, PIX              4,029.40        +22.75             +0.57%
Bond Index, BIO                           119.66         -0.18             -0.15%
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