Euro Fever Continues to Set LJSE Alight

Ljubljana, 18 December - Investors continue to pour money into Slovenian blue chips ahead of the expected switch to the euro. The high demand sent most blue chips higher on Monday, resulting in a 40.52 point gain for the SBI 20 benchmark, which closed at 6,464.80. The SBI TOP index of six biggest shares added 14.28 points to close at 1,506.88.

Benchmark Index, SBI 20               6,464.80          +40.52            +0.63%
Slovenian Blue Chip Index, SBI TOP    1,506.88          +14.28            +0.96%
Investment Fund Index, PIX            5,060.85          -13.64            -0.27%
Bond Index, BIO                         119.95           -0.01            -0.01%
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