Rail Operator Hopes Tie-up with Deutsche Bahn Will Succeed

Ljubljana, 12 September - The management of Slovenske zeleznice hopes that the project of linking up the railway company, port operator Luka Koper and logistics company Intereuropa with German rail operator Deutsche Bahn will succeed. "It would be nice if Slovenske zeleznice was competitive as an independent company, but it won't be," general manager Peter Puhan told the press on Wednesday.

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu, Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan, general manager assistant Igor Hauptman, and worker director Albert Pavlic (from left to right) speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu (left) and Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu (left) and Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu (left) and Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu (left) and Slovenske zeleznice general manager Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Deputy general manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Branko Omerzu speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana General manager assistant of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Igor Hauptman speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

General manager assistant of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Igor Hauptman speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana Worker director at Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Albert Pavlic speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Worker director at Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Albert Pavlic speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana General manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

General manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

Ljubljana General manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results. Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

General manager of Slovenske zeleznice railway operator Peter Puhan speaking to the press about the company's strategic plan and its half year results.
Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA

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