An Appeal to Abolish the Army of the SFRY

Ljubljana, 7 September - High church officials, doctors of theology and leaders of important institutions from different states gathered at the third International Convention of World Religions in Seoul from August 24 to 31. They sent an appeal to the Secretary General of the United Nations Boutros Ghali and to the President of the European Community Jacques Delors to stop the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the SFRY state no longer exists, the Yugoslav army should be abolished by international law and its arms destroyed or redistributed among the new states or territories of the ex-Yugoslavia. The appeal strives to secure permanent monitoring and medical and other aid in concentration camps in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The author of this initiative and appeal, which was signed by 97 participants of the third Convention in Seoul, is Doctor Rudi Koncilija, archiepiscopal official for the religious education of adults, and the head of the Council for Laics at the Episcopal Conference. He presented a paper at the convention concerning the role of religious communities in military situations and about the latest changes in Eastern Europe.

© STA, 1992