New Culinary Project FerFud Attracts Numerous Slovenians

Ljubljana, 24 August - Driving across Slovenia in a blue FerFud truck, cooks Mitja Horvat and Janez Karlin offer passers-by various Slovenian dishes at a reasonable price. The FerFud street food project, conceived by prominent chef Luka Jezeršek, aims to raise funds for a charity project for children.

Kranjska Gora.
Photo: Ferfud

The chefs prepare traditional Slovenian dishes in new, urban ways with food supplied by the supermarket chain Hofer, who is the project's main sponsor. They serve food at various events in different Slovenian towns.

Since 11 June, when the project was launched, they have already visited more than 40 towns, including Ljubljana, Kranjska Gora, and Metlika.

FerFud aims to raise funds for the Botrstvo project. Operating under the Association of Friends of Youth Moste-Polje, a philanthropic NGO, its objective is to raise money to better the quality of life of under-privileged children and youth.

Project manager Luka Jezeršek says on FerFud's main website: "We began our story at Expo 2015 in Milan, FerFud is our next step."

Jezeršek took part in this year's Expo in Milan, where he presented his catering service at the Slovenian pavilion.

"I am happy to be collaborating with Mitja and Janez, who will pave the way to a completely new culinary experience in Slovenia."

Anita Ogulin, secretary of the Association, says that they are very happy with the project, as it spreads good will and encourages charitable activities.

The amount of raised funds depends on the number of served guests, who can repay the chefs by either promoting the project on social media or by paying for the food at any desired price. The chefs prepare about 250 dishes every day.

The project team has told the STA that people had favourable reactions. They were happy to try new foods and donate money for the project. FerFud's Facebook page has already reached more than 15,000 likes.

The project has no fixed deadline. The team says that they will most likely stay on the road at least until the end of next month.

© STA, 2015