Most popular amateur cycling marathon due this week

Ljubljana, 8 June - The most popular amateur cycling marathon in the country, Franja Marathon, will start on Friday as first competitors compete in a time trial, followed by another four events on the following two days that are expected to attract more than 8,000 cyclists.

The start of the 2015 Franja Marathon in Ljubljana.
Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

Friday's time trial for sprinters will be followed by a race for families and school children (25 km) and a 1.5-km race for the youngest.

The main two events, the short and the long marathon of 97 km and 156 km, respectively, will take place on Sunday, starting and finishing in Ljubljana's BTC shopping district.

Runners are meanwhile invited to the 8-km Olympic Run in the city of Jesenice in the north-west on Friday, starting in front of the Podmežakla ice hockey arena.

Those who do not like to run in the late spring heat could try the 5th Run of Four Bridges; its main event - the 10-km night run - will take place in the streets of Škofja Loka.

A street basketball tournament will also be held during the day and the event will conclude at 11 PM with the declaration of winners and a concert.

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