Average temperature in Slovenia up 2C in last 50 years

Ljubljana, 15 May - Slovenia, a signatory of the Paris Agreement, has seen tangible proof of climate change on its territory, recording an increase in average annual temperatures of 2 degrees Celsius in the last half a century. Pollution has also affected its sea, which is however said to still be in pretty good condition.

Termometer, 37 stopinj Celzija, vročina, poletje.
Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

The average temperature at the meteorological station at Mt Kredarica, located 2,514 metres above sea level, exceeded 0 degrees in 2011 for the first time since measurement began to be conducted in 1954.

This happened again in 2015 and according to the Statistics Office a similar increase of around 2 degrees has also been recorded at other weather stations in the country.

The same year, 2015, also brought a 1.3% increase in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2014, reversing an encouraging trend that began in 2008.

Emissions had risen steadily in the 1990s and all the way until the record year of 2008, when a drop occurred that is attributed to the economic crisis as well as to milder winters.

Slovenia is meanwhile doing relatively well when it comes to marine ecology, according to the Environment Agency.

The agency's Elizabeta Gabrijelčič however noted the continuing problem of high levels of tributyltin, which used to be employed for ship coatings.

Gabrijelčič explained that this was a burden from the past, since tributyltin, very harmful to marine life, takes long to disintegrate. Cooperation is being sought with Italy and Croatia, which are also subjected to this issue, she added.

Other problems highlighted by the expert include high levels of underwater noise in the traffic-heavy Trieste Gulf, as well as potential dangers arising from the import of invasive alien species in commercial ports.

She however added that at the Koper port, cargo is mostly unloaded, which doe not include the release of dangerous ballast water.

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