Hike on Rožnik Hill or explore educational trail

Ljubljana, 24 May - Among a multitude of recreational events this week, sport enthusiasts can for instance decide to take a hike on Rožnik Hill above Ljubljana, explore a educational trail near Idrija or participate in an unusual non-competitive cycling race.

Rožnik Hill
Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

The hike on Rožnik Hill, starting in Tivoli Park, will be organised by commercial radio station Aktual on Thursday.

Those who make it to the top will be welcomed by pop musician Dejan Vunjak and get an award for the "healthy resolution specialist" for an individual who has made the biggest progress in physical fitness.

Participants will be returning from Rožnik in the evening, wearing headlamps. "You are invited to join the most fun recreation. The first 100 will get an award," the organisers said as they announced the event.

The Week of UNESCO Global Geopark from Idrija meanwhile invites sport enthusiasts to explore on Friday the Ob Rakah educational trail near Idrija, which will be expanded until 5 June with outdoor fitness stations for exercise for the entire body.

"We have prepared additional motivation for visiting the trail to all recreationists, professional athletes and all others who do not visit Rake regularly," the organisers said.

On the same day, a sport and humanitarian association from Trbovlje will organise a humanitarian run at the local football stadium called 10 Laps for 10 Smiles.

"A year has passed and it's time again for one of the biggest humanitarian sport projects in Slovenia," said the organisers, who provide humanitarian aid to poor and handicapped people.

"A unique cycling event" will meanwhile take place in Maribor on Sunday, as the AJM Team Time Ride event features four-member, three-member and two-member teams.

While the event is non-competitive, the teams will be timed, and the team closest to the bet average time of all teams will win. This means that the winner will not be known until the last team crosses the finish line.

© STA, 2017