Exit poll: SDS projected to win 24.4%, LMŠ runners up with 12.6%

Ljubljana, 3 June - The Democrats (SDS) are projected to emerge as the clear winners of the general election with 24.4% of the vote. The Marjan Šarec List (LMŠ) finished a distant second with 12.6% and is followed by a crowded field at around 10% featuring the Modern Centre Party (SMC), Left and Social Democrats (SD), show exit polls released on Sunday.

Janez Janša, whose Democrats (SDS) exit polls show won Sunday's general election.
Photo: Nik Jevšnik/STA

Prime Minister Miro Cerar's SMC is projected to win 9.8%, followed closely by the Left (9.5%) and Social Democrats (9.3%).

New Slovenia (NSi) is projected at 6.6%, the Alenka Bratušek Party (SAB) 5.5% and the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) at 5%.

The far-right National Party (SNS) is projected to make a surprise return to parliament with 4.3%, which would secure it four seats in the 90-strong National Assembly.

The SDS would get 25 MPs, the LMŠ 13, while the SMC and Left would each get ten MPs.

The SD would have nine MPs, the NSi seven, Bratušek's party five, and DeSUS probably also five.

The exit poll was conducted by pollster Mediana for the broadcasters POP TV, TV Slovenija, Planet TV and web portal Siol on a sample of nearly 14,500 respondents.

It also showed that the People's Party (SLS) would get 2.6% of the vote, Good State and the Pirate Party 2.0% each, while Andrej Čuš and the Greens would secure 1.2%.

The United Left and Unity; the Bojan Požar List; and Together Movement would each get 0.7%, and For Healthy Society 0.6%.

The other parties would get 0.5% of the vote or less.

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