Žalec beer fountain to be franchised abroad

Žalec, 9 September - Europe's first beer fountain, which opened in Žalec in east-central Slovenia two years ago, has proved such a success that it will be franchised abroad.

Žalec Europe's first beer fountain in Žalec. Photo: Lili Pušnik/STA

Europe's first beer fountain in Žalec.
Photo: Lili Pušnik/STA

Žalec Mayor Janko Kos says that the Green Gold Fountain has sparked interest among individuals, companies and institutions from Switzerland, Germany, the US, South America and South Africa.

Addressing a recent news conference, Kos said the town decided to protect the fountain with a franchise system in response to demand for similar fountains elsewhere in Europe and worldwide.

The city authorities and the regional development agency have prepared a presentation which includes the story behind the fountain, the franchise model and instructions on how to obtain the franchise.

Preliminary discussions with the interested parties will be conducted by the end of the month.

Kos expects the franchise system will bring in quite some money in the local budget. With the franchise the town will sell the idea and knowhow, as well as charge a 4% cut on each mug sold.

The franchise system is also seen as an opportunity for the Celje-based company Etra, which provides technical support for the fountain, and the mug provider Steklarna Hrastnik.

Since its opening in September 2016 and until mid-July this year, the Žalec beer fountain attracted more than 122,000 visitors, who downed more than 67,000 litres of beer.

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