Work from home: Slovenians above EU average
Brussels, 8 February - The share of Slovenians working from home is above EU average, with data released by Eurostat earlier this week showing that 6.9% of the employed Slovenians between 15 and 64 years of age usually worked from home in 2018.
Seven percent of employed Slovenians usually work from home, according to Eurostat.
File photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA
The share in the EU was 5.2%, and had not changed much over the past decade. However, the share of those who sometimes work from home increased from 5.8% in 2008 to 8.3% in 2018.
Slovenia ranks 7th among the 27 member countries in terms of the share of those who work at home.
The Netherlands tops the list with 14% of the employed usually working from home, closely followed by Finland (13.3%), Luxembourg (11%) and Austria (10%).
The lowest proportions of those who usually work at home was recorded in Romania (0.4%) and Bulgaria (0.3%).
It is the self-employed who work from home most often with the share of such among them at 18.5% compared to only 3% among employees.
The highest rates of the self-employed usually working from home were recorded in Finland (46.4%), the Netherlands (44.5%) and Austria (43.6%).
The share of employed women usually working in 2018 was slightly higher than the share of men, at 5.5% and 5%, respectively.
The share of those working from home increases with age. In the EU, just 1.8% of 15-24 year-olds usually worked from home in 2018, compared to 5% among 25-49 year-olds and 6.4% among 50-64 year-olds.