Daily headlines - Wednesday, 20 January

Ljubljana, 20 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 20 January:


"Slovenia anticipates as many as twenty investments": The Economy Ministry has a list of 20 potential investors, foreign and domestic, considering investing in the country. The coronavirus crisis could make Slovenia even more attractive, but foreign investors point to some shortcomings of the local business environment. (front page, page 9)

Schools closure
"Kindergartens and schools should come first": Experts are warning of the impact the months-long closure of schools is having on the mental health of pupils and teachers, urging the government to reopen schools and kindergartens as soon as possible. (front page, page 3)

Rog eviction
"Violence as Rog evicted": The Ljubljana city 'took possession of' the compound of the former Rog bicycle factory where it wants to build a new Rog centre. Those using the building resisted, throwing bottles and eggs into police, who responded with restraining measures and pepper spray. (front page, page 11)

Ski touring
"Ski touring increasingly popular": The closure of ski lifts, a ban on travel abroad save for exceptions and an abundance of snow in the mountains have made ski touring much more popular this year. (front page, page 13)


Rog eviction
"Municipality takes Rog and starts demolition": The Ljubljana authorities started tearing down buildings of the former bicycle factory Rog yesterday. As the site users resisted, police intervened, using force. (front page, page 8, commentary 12)

Quality of rapid tests
"Testing less accurate than coin flipping": The cheap Chinese tests bought by Slovenia miss even more than half of those infected who do not show symptoms (yet). (front page, page 3)


Impact of steel prices on construction
"Will construction projects get costlier?": Iron ore prices on stock markets have increased by more than 80% in a year, and steel is getting costlier since September. Builders say the hikes will not increase the price tag on the ongoing projects, while those that are being started are quite another matter. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Coronavirus restrictions
"Lockdown has no major benefit compared to less aggressive measures": A Stanford University study comparing coronavirus measures taken by Sweden and South Korea with some of those that imposed stringent restrictions finds that lockdowns, movement restrictions and other radical restrictive measures have no more effect on the spread of coronavirus than less harsh measures. (front page, pages 6, 7)

"Biggest energy investments this year": The Slovenian energy industry will be undertaking many financially demanding investments this year, including the Cirkovce-Pince power line, Mokrice power plant, low- and and intermediate-level nuclear waste depository, scheduled maintenance of the Krško nuclear power plant and a gas steam unit in Ljubljana. (front page, pages 18, 19)


Services shutdown
"Let us work": Four entrepreneurs talk about growing distress due to the closure of services during the coronavirus epidemic. (front page, page 9)

Quality of rapid tests
"Tests didn't do well": The Maribor-based national laboratory has tested the rapid antigen tests used in mass testing, confirming the suspicions about their poor quality. Its research will continue. (front page, page 3)

Rog eviction
"Using force against Rog users": Security guards and police took over the site of the former Rog bicycle factory and the premises were emptied before demolition work started. Violence erupted as well. (front page, page 5)

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