Daily headlines - Friday, 22 January

Ljubljana, 22 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 22 January:


Wood industry
"Failure to capitalise on green riches": If Slovenia processed all the felled timber, it could produce up to hundreds of euros of value added per cubic metre. One of the most forested European countries does not value its wood enough. (front page, page 4)

"Challenging year ahead of Telekom": Telecoms incumbent Telekom Slovenije faces corporate challenges as well as major investments this year after appointing new supervisors. (front page, page 9)

"Finally some joy with skiing": Ski resorts are reopening in nine regions with best epidemiological status tomorrow. One will have to show a negative coronavirus test to be allowed entrance. Some resorts will provide rapid testing themselves. (front page, page 3)

"National Assembly put to the test": Parliamentary Speaker Igor Zorčič dismisses the opposition's allegations that the government has entirely subjugated the legislative branch. An expert agrees, whereas LMŠ deputy group head Brane Golubović thinks parliament has already been partially suspended a bit. (front page, page 2)


"Queue-jumping by relatives and friends": The paper says that the Health Inspectorate inquiry has confirmed its reports that in certain health institutions people who were not on priority lists have been vaccinated, including friends and relatives of staff. Some vaccination providers warn that clear instructions were given only this week. (front page, page 3)

"Growing doubts about Slovakian supplier": Slovakia's Skytoll is slated to get the e-tolling deal, according to unofficial information obtained by the paper, however reports are emerging that cast a shadow of doubt on the company's credibility. (front page, page 5)

"The youngest back to school after three months": Favourable epidemiological trends herald further relaxation of Covid restrictions. Pupils of first three grades of primary school will go back to school on Tuesday and kindergartens will reopen. (front page, page 2)


"Promising but at a distance": Pupils of first three grades of primary school are returning to in-class instruction on Tuesday, heeding Covid protocols, however some schools have already said that they could not enforce the required physical distancing rules. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"LMŠ, SAB and Left also by themselves": The Marjan Šarec Party (LMŠ) moved faster than the rest of the informal KUL coalition parties, which do not seem to agree whether to file a motion of no confidence in the labour minister or not. (front page, page 3)

"Top positions for chosen ones": Since Monday new regulations setting down the system of jobs and organisation in the police force have been effective and are already a target of criticism. (front page, page 5)

"Pool closed for 2,555th day": The Maribor Pristan central pool has been closed for 2,555 days and the paper looks into the reasons for the delayed reopening - what has gone wrong during the renovation and who is responsible for that. (front page, pages 10, 11)

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