Daily headlines - Monday, 25 January

Ljubljana, 25 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 25 January:


Sports events
"Events without spectators emptying sports purses": Pokljuka, which is hosting the Biathlon World Championships in just over two weeks, and the ski flying hub of Planica will take the biggest blow financially due to absence of spectators at events. (front page, page 4)

"Unknowns of English strain": Teachers will be tested for coronavirus today ahead of reopening of schools tomorrow. Next steps are uncertain though, PM Janez Janša said as he announced the first case of the new UK variant of the virus was confirmed in Slovenia on Saturday. (front page, page 3)

World Men's Handball Championship
"Slovenia bidding honourable farewell to Egypt": A 15:10 lead was not enough for Slovenia to make it to the quarter-finals of the World Handball Championship. The match against Egypt ended with a 25:25 tie. (front page, page 11)

Stimulus measures
"PKP should contain development incentives": Many Slovenian companies have been living on savings for months, and funds for research and development are the first to be cut at the end of the month when salaries need to be paid. Economists propose including incentives for innovation in the coronavirus economic stimulus packages. (front page, page 3)


Reopening of ski lifts
"White slopes not abandoned yesterday": After dismal turnout due to bad weather on Saturday, ski slopes attracted more skiers yesterday. Those on Vogel did not complain about stringent coronavirus rules. (front page, page 5, commentary 14)

Public broadcaster
"Battle for top RTV seat": The RTV Slovenija Programme Council will take a vote on candidates for director general of the public broadcaster. Apart from the incumbent, TV Slovenija director and the chairman of the RTV Slovenija council are bidding, while the SDS does not have one if its heavyweights in the running despite ambitions. (front page, page 2)


Stimulus measures
"We're disclosing PKP 8 proposal. What follows?": The draft 8th coronavirus stimulus bill (PKP 8) only contains minimal corrections to existing measures, mostly merely extending them. Unofficially, Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek has announced the ninth stimulus package could be ready in early February where subsides for fixed costs are to be amended. (front page, pages 2-4)

"FURS looking into bonus payments in shares and share options": The Financial Administration (FURS) has started examining in detail bonus payments in shares and share options, mainly to executives in foreign-owned companies. Unofficial information suggests they are charging additional social contributions. (front page, pages 6, 7)

"Substantial support of ECB monetary policy also improves Slovenia's borrowing terms": The European Central Bank has confirmed it will continue its stimulus policy as it estimates the eurozone's GDP to have contracted in the last quarter of 2020. Central bank governor Boštjan Vasle says the substantial monetary support adopted last year has also improved the terms for Slovenia's borrowing. (front page, page 8)


Company supervisors
"Serial supervisorship": Although an individual cannot serve on the supervisory boards of more than three companies under the law, some also have decision-making or supervisory roles as members of councils of public institutions. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"British strain calls for a rethink": Schools are opening tomorrow but changes to the strategy to contain the coronavirus epidemic are possible as early as Wednesday following the confirmation of the UK strain of the virus. (front page, page 3)

Public broadcaster
"Selection of new RTV boss today": There is doubt any of the three candidates can garner the necessary 15 votes to get elected new director of RTV Slovenija amid mounting speculation about a new call for applications. (front page, page 4)

Ski jumping
"Historic victory": Slovenia's women ski jumpers won a team event for the first time with Ema Klinec crowning the success on the Ljubno hill with a silver medal. (front page, page 16)

Covid restrictions easing
"Back to ski slopes and cultural venues": Cultural institutions and ski slopes in the nine regions with better coronavirus status reopened on Saturday. The turnout, in particular at the National Gallery, was better than expected. (front page, pages 8, 9)

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