Daily headlines - Wednesday, 27 January

Ljubljana, 27 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 27 January:


Schools and kindergartens reopen
"Examples from abroad: rapid tests also for school children": The government Covid-19 task force will discuss today whether primary schools for the first three grades and kindergartens will remain open next week. Children, and not only teachers, could also get tested. (front page, 3)

Pharma industry
"Novartis investing in Slovenia": The Swiss pharma group Novartis, which includes the Ljubljana-based drug maker Lek, invested more than EUR 200 million in Slovenia last year, including in development of original pharmaceuticals. (front page, 9)

Informal KUL coalition
"Headcount in DeSUS": The left-leaning informal Constitutional Arch Coalition (KUL) expects from Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) president Karl Erjavec to establish who is who in the DeSUS deputy group and report how much support there he has. (front page, 2)

Government crisis in Italy
"President expected to make a move": Italian President Sergio Mattarella has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and will start talks with the speakers of both chambers of parliament to see whether a new coalition will be formed or early election held. (front page, 5)

Auschwitz liberation anniversary
"Knowledge is the best weapon against denial": The Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp exactly 76 years ago. This year, remembrance ceremonies will mostly be held virtually due to Covid-19. (front page, 5, 15)


Schools and kindergartens reopen
"'We all missed it'": After almost three months of remote learning and despite the English variant of the coronavirus having recently been detected in Slovenia, primary schools for the first three grades and kindergartens reopened yesterday in nine of the country's twelve regions. (front page, 5)

Informal KUL coalition
"DeSUS deputies again their own way, Počivalšek also soloing": Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) deputies have agreed to continue working as a united deputy group, while it remains to be seen whether this will be in the current coalition or in the opposition. (front page, 2)


Economic growth
"Poorer forecasts for recovery in Germany and Italy. What IMF expects": In the most recent forecasts, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects that global economic recovery will on average be somewhat better than it had predicted last October. (front page, 2-3)

"How much various forms of payments to contractors cost you": In the uncertain times for business, companies are increasingly cautious about labour costs. In cooperation with an accounting firm, the paper provides some advice about hiring of contractors. (front page, 14-15)

"Corona vaccination debacle is a debacle of EU, and EU is a tool for avoiding accountability": Vaccination against Covid-19 shows the inefficiency of central planning and the state of mind of EU leaders, and how devastating it is for common people. (front page, 6-7)


"Less money for Lent Festival": The Maribor municipality intends to reduce its contribution for the summer Lent festival by almost a half, which puts the future of the festival into uncertainty. (front page, 9)

Former PM Šarec
"I would not endorse Erjavec in normal circumstances": Almost a year after stepping down as prime minister, Marjan Šarec speaks for Večer about the Janez Janša government, attempts at a constructive vote of no confidence and the dispersed centre-left. (front page, 5)

Schools and kindergartens reopen
"Smiles on teachers' and students' faces": "The children returned joyful and enthusiastic, and a tear or two could be seen here or there", a head teacher from Maribor told reporters as primary schools and kindergartens reopened yesterday. (front page, 2-3)

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