Daily headlines - Thursday, 28 January

Ljubljana, 28 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 28 January:


"Crisis bonuses by various yardsticks": The state paid out some EUR 191 million in crisis bonuses to public sector employees during the first wave, however the distribution was rather arbitrary - a problem also seen in the second wave. (front page, page 3)

Opinion poll
"Voter expectation analysis": A year after the previous Prime Minister Marjan Šarec stepped down, the paper sounds out his voters on their current opinion of him, finding out the majority is disappointed. (front page, page 2)

"Slovenian climbers scale the chimney": World-class climbers Janja Garnbret and Domen Škofic climbed up the world's longest artificial climbing route. The feat took seven hours and a half and has been captured in a docu. (front page)


"The return of the dismissed to DARS": National motorway company DARS has frozen the promotion scheme until summer, however the money was ferreted out for at least three new jobs, all of them directorial posts, including for Tine Svoljšak, who was DARS manager the first time during the second Janez Janša government. (front page, page 2)

"Two-track rail to Kamnik and Ivančna Gorica": The Infrastructure Ministry thinks that the passenger rail to Kamnik and Ivančna Gorica could be upgraded to a double-track electrified rail line by the end of 2030 with the help of EU funds. The investment is estimated at more than EUR 500,000 million. (front page, page 9)

Ouster motion
"Will the no-confidence motion be tabled at all?": The paper wonders whether the ouster motion in the government will be filed at all since it is still not clear how much support Karl Erjavec enjoys among his own MPs. (front page, page 3)

Rapid tests
"Tests going wrong in an unusual way": Rapid antigen tests supplied by Sanolabor malfunctioned in a curious way as nine of them showed positive results only to then came back negative. (front page, page 4)


"Is a drop in the number of bankruptcies calm before the storm?": Last year saw a significant drop in the number of launched receiverships mostly due to state aid schemes. The paper looks at the year ahead. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Tuš with new leadership - Andraž Tuš no longer deciding alone, Robert Šega makes a comeback": The Engrotuš group has switched to the single-tier management leadership system with a few changes in the management board. (front page, page 5)

"Who was picked by DARS for e-tolling launch and what will we gain by that?": The paper notes that RTV Slovenija reported that DARS had picked Slovakia's Skytoll for the e-tolling business, looking at the changes the new tolling system will deliver. (front page, page 7)


Protected foods
"Huge drop in sales": Slovenian farmers and food producers are struggling due to the epidemic since EU protected food products used to be a hit mainly among tourists. (front page, pages 2, 4, 5)

"Tonin will also be health minister": Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) MPs are caught between the Janez Janša coalition and the informal KUL coalition, however the minority government needs to count its votes too. (front page, page 2)

"Gift for e-billing": The Maribor-based paper looks into digital business models of certain local companies in the wake of real estate group Staninvest's decision to charge its clients an additional euro for physical bills. (front page, pages 8, 9)

"Ice beckons but also threatens": Frozen lakes and other bodies of water entice skaters and strollers, but experts warn that there is no such thing as completely safe ice. Its depth should be at least 5 cm to be considered safe to walk on. (front page, page 21)

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