Daily headlines - Friday, 29 January

Ljubljana, 29 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 29 January:


Vaccination delays
"For majority of people, vaccination will be deferred": European governments invested billions into the pharmaceutical industry in the hope that European citizens will be the first to get coronavirus vaccines. Their plans have not come to fruition, at least at first glance. (front page, 5)

"Robin Hoods attack the big ones": Large American hedge funds have become like the infamous sheriff of Nottingham as retail investors inflicted heavy losses on them by pushing up the price of the Gamestop stock in what is known as a short squeeze. (front page, 6)

Decision on schools
"Back home after four days of school and kindergarten": Two regions will return to remote schooling next week as they shifted back to the black tier of restrictions. (front page, 3)

Stimulus transfers
"Sensibility of handing out transfers": The Fiscal Council has warned that handing one-off stimulus transfers to various groups of residents does not stimulate the economy. Some economists say the money would be better spent elsewhere. (front page, 8)


University enrolment
"Janša stops issue of call for university enrolment": Prime Minister Janez Janša is said to want to know what kind of professions the labour market will need in the future, which is why the government yesterday did not consent to the publication of a call for applications for university enrolment. (front page)

"Testing for skiing still a rarity": Those who want to go skiing face complex choices as some ski resorts offer rapid tests for free, some demand pay, and others do not offer on-site testing at all but merely accept tests results from elsewhere. (front page, 7)


Children's mental health
"Children with the sign of epidemic": The coronavirus epidemic is affecting children and youths at multiple levels. Disease is the most immediate threat, but it seems mental problems will be even worse. (front page, 2, 3)

Car dealership bankruptcy
"Bankruptcy of Avtohiša Kolmanič": The famous Maribor car dealership Avtohiša Kolmanič has shut down as a result of a decline in business and government restrictions. (front page, 11)

"E-vignettes and other deals": The supervisory board of motorway company DARS will decide today on who will get the e-tolling project for cars. One of the bidders, Slovakia's Skytoll, is connected with the Czech billionaire Petr Kellner, who owns the Slovenian broadcaster POP TV. (front page, 4, 5)

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