Daily headlines - Monday, 1 February

Ljubljana, 1 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 1 February:


Covid-19 vaccines
"Russian and Chinese vaccines arriving in the EU?": After a videoconference with vaccine manufacturers, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that AstraZeneca would supply 40 million doses of its vaccine to the EU in the first quarter, while German Health Minister Jens Spahn has allowed the option to use Chinese and Russian vaccines if they get EU regulatory framework-compatible approval. (front page, page 3)

"Crowded last stop": The country's only two crematoriums are busy, having performed the most cremations to date this winter. (front page, page 4)

Protests against school closures
"Parents and kids: Open schools and kindergartens": Prompted by a social network initiative, parents of schoolchildren held protests in several Slovenian towns to demand the reopening of schools. (front page, page 2)

Right-wing extremism in Germany
"Tough questions for German society": A year and a half after the murder of German politician Walter Lübeck, his killer was found guilty on Friday and sentenced to life in prison without parole in a case that draws attention to the growing danger of right-wing extremism in the country. (front page, page 6)


"Higher sick leave better than harsh restrictions": Some argue that changing the pay compensation system to dissuade employees from going to work sick or after a contact with an infected person would do more to contain coronavirus than restrictions. (front page, page 2)

Protests against school closures
"Parents and pupils protest against government across Slovenia": Several hundred parents and children gathered on Sunday morning in Koper following a renewed closure of schools in their region. Protests followed in other towns in the country. (front page, page 2)


Interview with Krka CEO
"Jože Colarič about conquering China, business laws at time of cheap money and coronavirus, dividends, MBO ...": A day after being endorsed for his fourth term as CEO of Krka, effective from 2022, Jože Colarič talked to Finance about his expectations for the post-pandemic business environment, how the pharma company plans to grow in China and other issues. (front page, pages 2-4)

"Petrol unveils long-awaited strategy": The supervisory board of energy company Petrol has finally endorsed a new strategy, the catchword of which is energy transition. What does it mean and how does Petrol see its business until 2025? (front page, page 5)

"Triglav's Trigal buying Sava Strunjan resort": The emerging state hospitality holding could end up without one destination. The Salinera resort in Strunjan, now part of Sava Turizem, is being purchased by Trigal, an investment company in majority ownership of German equity investment firm KGAL and Zavarovalnica Triglav, the mostly state-owned insurer, as a minority owner. (front page, page 5)


Protests against school closures
"Taking to the streets with kids": Protesters gathered for peaceful rallies in several towns across the country to call on the government to immediately reopen kindergartens and schools in all of Slovenia's regions. (front page, page 3)

Covid vaccine row
"Vaccines provoke a dispute": The Northern Ireland Protocol of the Brexit agreement became the focus of the EU-UK vaccine row as the European Commission announced Friday night it would impose checks on vaccine exports to Northern Ireland. (front page, pages 4, 6, 7)

Construction legislation
"Architects strongly against change": Architects are up in arms over the reform construction bill, warning of the damaging consequences. (front page, pages 2, 3)

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