Daily headlines - Wednesday, 3 February

Ljubljana, 3 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 3 February:


"One hundred thousand unemployed already by summer": The threshold of 100,000 unemployed persons in Slovenia may be reached by the summer as the government aid measures are expiring and the unemployment rate keeps increasing. (front page, 4)

"Prime minister will wait for DeSUS some more time": After setting an ultimatum for until Wednesday, PM Janez Janša backtracked a bit and allowed the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) to have a kind of a "frozen" status in the coalition until the no-confidence vote. (front page, 2)

"Novels and APCs": Slovenia's budget for culture amounts to 0.7% of the country's GDP, which is very close to the defence budget, which goes slightly over 1% of GDP. The latter would need to increase to 2% of GDP in line with the NATO commitments. (front page, 15)

"Pokljuka: one week to go to spectacle": There is exactly one week to go before the Biathlon World Championships open in Slovenia's Pokljuka, in what will be the largest biathlon event this year in the world. (front page, 19)


"Rapid tests - positive today, negative tomorrow": Testing of teachers in Kranj raised some doubt over the reliability of rapid tests as a majority of those who tested positive, tested negative on the following day. And this has not happened only in Kranj. (front page, 3)

Rog squat
"Much of Rog have already been demolished, there is still some artwork and bicycles there": Some dilapidated buildings in the Rog squat in Ljubljana have already been razed, but many buildings still stand and have not been emptied yet. (front page, commentary 8)


"How European directive hampers online shopping": The new year has brought higher standards for protection of customers in online shopping that require conformation with two security elements. This has caused much trouble for buyers, retailers and banks. (front page, 4-5)

Economic growth
"European GDP drops by 5.1 percent": A combined GDP in the EU member states was down 5.1% in the last quarter of 2020 year-on-year, which is less than it had been originally predicted. The paper looks into the reason why this is so. (front page, 4-5)

Venture capital
"European startups are more profitable than American ones": A survey has shown that European startups exceed those in the US in terms of profitability and capital efficiency. US venture capital are already eyeing Europe for this reason. (front page, 6-7)

"New motor vehicle tax works: It brought a Lamborghini to Slovenia in January: Car sales in January are down almost 30% year-on-year, while the new motor vehicle tax, which significantly reduced the prices of luxury cars, is already producing results, as a Lamborghini Urus was registered in Slovenia last month. (front page, 6-7)


"We are losing generations": The epidemiological situation is alarming, while the wishes and proposals from the sport sector for aid and relaxation of measures are falling on deaf ears. (front page, 2, 22-23)

"What is president's authority": The paper wonders what is the significance of President Borut Pahor's attempt to sit the parliamentary parties at one table, which have been declined by the opposition LMŠ and Left. (front page, 3, 19)

"The best, but still not enough": The northern Slovenian region of Koroška is doing best in terms of the epidemiological situation, but it has again turned towards the red tier after flirting with the orange tier, which brings additional relaxations. (front page, 13)

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