Daily headlines - Thursday, 4 February

Ljubljana, 4 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 4 February:


Education and coronavirus
"Head teachers: Get children from black regions to school": Only two of Slovenia's twelve statistical regions remain in the black tier according to the government's exit strategy. The association of head teachers proposes that children from the first three grades return to school in all regions. (front page, 2)

No confidence motion
"Anticipating counting of votes": The status of the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) is frozen until the vote on a no confidence motion in the Janez Janša government, DeSUS head Karl Erjavec said. (front page, 2)

"Changes tailored to Skytoll": The Slovakian company Skytoll, picked to set up a system of e-tolling in Slovenia, has no experience in setting up a surveillance system for e-vignettes. (front page, 8)

Italian government
"Draghi gets mandate, now looking for support": After a week of political debates and after the resignation of Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte, Italian President Sergio Mattarella gave mandate to form a government to the most respected Italian economist and banker, Mario Draghi. (front page, 6)


Rapid tests
"Are days counted for rapid tests?": According to the newspaper's information, a significant part of Slovenian experts is proposing scrapping rapid coronavirus tests, which are showing falsely positive results. If this happens, keeping schools open will be a challenge. (front page, 2)

Bad bank
"Bad bank cashing in on Masarykova Street attractiveness": The band bank is selling a large complex of land along Masarykova Street, where a business and residential complex is to be built. (front page, 9)


New stimulus package
"What PKP 8 brings": MPs have confirmed what is already the eighth package of emergency measures dubbed PKP 8 worth EUR 320 million. One of the measures is subsidising the raise of the minimum wage and extension of the furlough scheme at least until the end of April. (front page, 2, 3)

Capital gains
"Deadline for submission approaching. What is FURS focussing on": Individuals have until 1 March to report to tax authorities their capital gains and interests, and dividends from abroad for 2020. (front page, 4, 5)

Coronavirus vaccines
"Differences between the two main women buying coronavirus vaccine": The paper presents the woman who was ordering coronavirus vaccine for the UK, Kate Bingham and Sandra Gallina, who was in charge of this in the EU. (front page, 6, 7)


Rapid tests
"Rapid tests, rapid mistakes": There are increasingly many cases of falsely positive results of rapid antigen tests that are later refuted by PCR tests. Several such cases were recorded in the Podravje region as well. (front page, 2, 3)

Ministerial appointments
"Without decision despite ultimatum": Prime Minister Janez Janša will allegedly wait until a no confidence motion in the government is filed before deciding on the candidates to fill ministerial vacancies. (4, 5)

"Gifts also for kindergarten construction?": Three municipalities in the Celje area were visited by investigators yesterday on suspicion of corruption in public procurement. (front page, 21)

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