Daily headlines - Friday, 5 February

Ljubljana, 5 February - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 5 February:


"Recovery projects put on hold": The European Commission expects member states to include both investments and reforms in their national recovery strategies. So far 17 EU countries have submitted their drafts. (front page, page 5)

"Time without work goes squandered": Companies or services that have been closed or scaled down due to Covid have not capitalised enough on opportunities of staff training and business review with many furloughed workers merely waiting to return to work. (front page, page 8)

"AstraZeneca presumably tomorrow": The first batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to arrive in Slovenia tomorrow, according to the NIJZ, which does not have a priority list yet for the new vaccine. (front page, page 3)

"EUR 130,000 for studies on upgrading marketplace": The EUR 31 million project of renovating the Ljubljana main marketplace has been making waves since 2006. The city of Ljubljana has spent some EUR 130,000 for research and plans to finish the renovation by 2024. (front page, page 11)


"Now the entire Slovenia is red, govt says": Just when an increasing number of regions was reaching tier orange, the government decided to deem the entire country tier red, having already turned down epidemiologists' proposal to allow more pupils back to school. (front page, page 2)

"Traces of Skytoll's documents lead to Pop TV": The paper says that documents being sent to media by Slovakia's Skytoll, which is expected to set up e-tolling in Slovenia, have been written by Pro Plus marketing director. (front page, page 5)

"Spoke to Dnevnik and was sacked": Education Ministry State Secretary Jure Gašparič will have to step down due to complications concerning the uni enrolment procedure and will be replaced by Mitja Slavinec who is no stranger to politics or incidents. (front page, page 2)


Car industry
"Unaffordable cars": The paper looks at the situation in Slovenia's car market, saying that prices are expected to rise. An average Slovenian buyer will be likely more frugal and losses will be impossible to offset. (front page, pages 8, 9)

"Same measures for the entire country": The government has suspended the regional approach to Covid restrictions. Slovenia's chief epidemiologist Mario Fafangel's disagreement with a ban on inter-regional and inter-municipal travel has angered PM Janez Janša, who is said to be even considering Fafangel's dismissal. (front page, page 2)

"Janša succeeds with ultimatum": Education Minister Simona Kustec has sacrificed her state secretary Jure Gašparič to remain minister in the wake of issues with the uni enrolment for the next academic year. (front page, page 3)

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