Daily headlines - Friday, 12 March

Ljubljana, 12 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 12 March:


"Best neighbour getting healthy owner": The planned transfer of the majority ownership share in retailer Mercator to the Croatian Fortenova Group will be one of the final steps in salvaging the overly indebted Agrokor group. (front page, 9)

SMC council
"He would still lead and consolidate": The head of the Modern Centre Party (SMC), Zdravko Počivalšek, presented two proposals to the party council yesterday. The he take the SMC to the next election and that the party remain in the ruling coalition. (front page, 2)

De-bureaucratisation bill
"Planted in the law": The government has planted an article into the bill on de-bureaucratisation allowing a police officer issue a fine without the person responsible giving a statement and without description of the incident. (front page, 3)


"NIJZ too vaccinated past the line": The Health Inspectorate has detected vaccination pass the line also at the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ). These cases involved the vaccine that would have otherwise needed to be thrown away, the NIJZ said. (front page, 3)

Former Maribor mayor
"Kangler would 'beat' former chief of police": State Secretary Franc Kangler, the former mayor of Maribor, commented on a post on Facebook by a police trade union by saying that if former Police Commissioner Marjan Fank turned out for an anniversary he would beat him. (front page, 2)


Closing down of Safilo
"End of Safilo in Ormož": The Italian owners of the company Safilo will close down the Ormož branch in June, leaving 557 people unemployed in what will be a disaster for the area. (front page, 2, 3)

Vaccination of teachers
"Vaccination of teachers in full swing": The paper has visited a vaccination point for teachers to hear people have reservations about the AstraZeneca vaccine. (front page, 4)

Maribor apartments
"Higher rents also for company apartments": The Maribor housing fund has turned rent for company apartments from non-profit to market rent, which made rent on average costlier by 25-160%. (front page, 10, 11)

"Mercator to Fortenova": The Russian Sberbank and the VTB bank taking over at the retailer Mercator. (front page, 6)

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