Daily headlines - Monday, 15 March

Ljubljana, 15 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 15 March:


Public opinion
"Poklukar pushed Pahor out of top place": Health Minister Janez Poklukar shoot up to the top of popularity ratings of politicians in the March poll commissioned by Delo to replace President Borut Pahor, who has been topping the list for almost nine years. (front page, page 2)

Western Balkans
"Jadranka Kosor, former Croatian prime minister": As EU member we have a right to demand respect for the rule of law [in Western Balkan countries]. But we are stronger only if we respect the rule of law ourselves." Kosor is one of those speaking for Delo's piece headlined Slovenia No Longer Role Model for Western Balkans. (front page, page 6)

"Disappointed Slovenians too bad Tokyo": The Slovenian handball team's five-year dream of making it to their fourth Olympic Games has vanished within 24 hours. They were not good enough to defeat Germany or Sweden at the qualification tournament in Berlin. (front page, page 11)


Public opinion
"Lowest support for Janša government in a year": The voter approval rating for the Janez Janša government is the lowest yet in the Vox Populi poll. The ruling Democratic party (SDS) continues on top among parties, followed by the opposition Social Democrats (SD). (front page, pages 2, 3)

Covid-19 vaccination
"What is your risk getting vaccinated against Covid-19": Recent side effects following vaccination with AstraZeneca expose the fact that side effects are common with all Covid-19 vaccines. Thy are as a rule not dangerous and the risk is immensely lower than it is when catching Covid-19. (front page, page 5)

"Victory for organisers but without competitive achievement for Slovenia at 60th Vitranc Cup": Despite coronavirus restrictions the 60th Vitranc Cup was a success for the organizers, but the best Slovenian was Štefan Hadalin, who placed 18th in Saturday's giant slalom. (front page, pages 16, 17)


Oil prices
"How will increasingly costlier oil hit us": As crude oil prices are going up, the costs of packaging and aircraft fuel are also increasing apart from the cost of filling up your car tank. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"What have the wealthiest Slovenians been buying": The Covid crisis has created opportunities for takeovers, mergers and consolidation in many industries. Finance examines where some of the wealthiest Slovenians have been active in the past year. (front page, page 4)

"Patients left high and dry, hospitals bursting with revenue and profit": Slovenian public hospitals thrived business-wise last year when they treated mostly Covid-19 patients; they received EUR 314 million more than the year before from the budget and health insurance fund, generating EUR 47.2 million in consolidated surplus. (front page, page 5)


Public trust
"Who do you trust most": Firefighters enjoy the most trust from the public, followed by healthcare and education, while the police and the government are the only institutions to have lost public trust compared with 2019, Vox Populi poll shows. (front page, pages 4, 5)

Global warming
"Record warm 2020": Last year was the warmest in 60 years in Slovenia as well. The country is warming up twice as fast as the global average. (front page, page 8)

"No end to Syria war": Almost half a million dead and more than ten million refugees. This is the tragic toll of the ten-year war in Syria. (front page, pages 4, 7)

"He attacked parents in their sleep": Only a day after returning from a commune where he was treated for drug addiction, a 36-year-old killed his mother and injured his father with a knife. (front page, page 12)

"Far is Tokyo": The Slovenian handball team will not appear in the Tokyo Olympic Games after being defeated by Germany and Sweden at the qualification tournament in Berlin. (front page, page 17)

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