Daily headlines - Thursday, 25 March

Ljubljana, 25 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 25 March:


"World champion runners-up fall in Stožice": Slovenia defeated Croatia in Ljubljana on Wednesday evening 1:0 in the opening match of the qualifiers for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. (front page, 10)

Auto industry
"Shortage of chips stops production in Revoz": The Novo Mesto-based car assembly plant Revoz, owned by Renault, will suspend production of all of its models on Thursday and Friday due to shortages in semi-conductors. (front page, 10)

"Silent protest against culture war": While the National Assembly was debating a motion to oust Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti, a seventh protest as part of the Campaign for Culture was held in front of the parliament building. (front page, 2)

EU summit
"Biden's vaccination diplomacy": As the two-year online EU summit is to open today, US President Joe Biden is expected to address EU leaders. He is expected to help them with the most sought-after goods these days - Covid-19 vaccine. (front page, 5)


"Spain too large a hurdle for Slovenia": Slovenia opened the UEFA European Under-21 Championship with an expected 0:3 defeat at the hands of reigning champions Spain in Maribor on Wednesday. (front page, 5)

Coronavirus mutations
"Middle-aged people also under attack": There is an increasing number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals who do not belong to the most vulnerable groups, and many of them have not had the opportunity to get vaccinated yet. (front page, 3)

Coronavirus restrictions
"Five million euro in fines in the second wave": The police have so far processed 34,552 violations of the anti-epidemic decrees imposed by the government and issued EUR 5.5 million in fines. (front page, 4)


Economic outlooks
"Finally some sun": Increased activity has been detected in the real sector in the EU for the first time in six months, with Germany contributing the most to the push. GDP growth forecasts have also been upgraded for Slovenia. (front page, 2-3)

Real estate
"Rigenlnik would go to Ljubljana bourse with real estate": A real estate investment fund that would be listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange is planned to emerge from the hotel operator Union Hoteli. (front page, 10-11)

Energy industry
"Bisol boosts sales last year by 20 percent": Bisol, the largest Slovenian developer and producer of solar panels, last year managed to increase sales by a fifth to EUR 42 million, and posted EUR 3.5 million in pre-tax profit. (front page, 12)


"Punished, but proud": Slovenia debut at the UEFA European Under-21 Championship came with a 0:3 loss to the reigning champions Spain in Maribor on Wednesday. (front page, 20)

"Remotely or on the ground?": Despite the epidemic-related restrictions that prevented them from being in direct contact with voters in their constituencies, members of the National Assembly have been receiving the related allowance all this time. (front page, 4)

Coronavirus restrictions
"Curfew at 10pm": The government has shortened the curfew to between 10pm and 5pm, and imposed a ban on movement into and out of three regions with the highest coronavirus infection rates. (front page, 3)

Culture minister ousting
"Simoniti thinks he works well": The first day of the debate in parliament on a motion to oust Culture Minister Vasko Simoniti did not produced answers as to whether the minister from the ranks of the Democrats (SDS) will stay on. (front page, 5)

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