Daily headlines - Monday, 29 March

Ljubljana, 29 March - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 29 March:


Covid-19 lockdown
"Public life will be hampered for eleven days": The government has adopted strict restrictions for preventing the spread of Covid-19 that will be in force from 1 to 11 April. Face masks will again be mandatory in the open, more or less as a symbol that things have gotten serious. (front page, 3)

Ski jumping
"Nika Križnar gets large crystal globe": Nika Križnar has become the first Slovenian to win the large crystal globe for the overall winner in the women's Ski Jumping World Cup with a third place in the season finale in Russia's Chaykovsky. (front page, 14)

Ski jumping
"Slovenian icing on the cake was the only thing missing": The Ski Jumping World Cup traditionally concluded at Slovenia's Planica on Sunday with the team win by Germany and Slovenia's Domen Prevc finishing 4th in the last individual event. (front page, 11)


Covid-19 lockdown
"Government's only answer is closure of the country": On Thursday, residents of Slovenia are in for a 11-day lockdown that will not actually be a full lockdown, as it will be possible for people from two households to get together for Easter holidays. (front page, 3)

Ski jumping
"Good jumps come always when she is having a good time": At the age of 21, Nika Križnar has become the first Slovenian to win the large crystal globe for the overall winner in the women's Ski Jumping World Cup after the season finale in Russia's Chaykovsky. (front page, 16)


Covid-19 lockdown
"In lockdown again": The paper is critical of the government ordering another lockdown despite the previous ones not producing the desired effect. "You haven't been successful with lockdown. You are not able to vaccinate rapidly. What are you doing?" the paper says. (front page, 2-3)

Wages in public sector
"Public sector blossoming during corona and under Janša": Bonuses tripled, the wage bill went up almost by a third and the number of employees in the public sector in Slovenia increased by 5% last year. (front page, 2-3)

Automotive industry
"Losing EUR 50 billion due to shortage of chips": The demand of the automotive industry for chips is large, but it is nothing compares to that from Apple, Samsung and Sony, which are willing to pay more for their products to get to the market in time. (front page, 6-7)


Covid-19 lockdown
"Eleven days of closure": A new lockdown between 1 and 11 April will be in force in Slovenia to relieve the pressure on hospitals. This was first proposed by experts at a meeting hosted by President Borut Pahor, and later confirmed by the government. (front page, 2-3)

Regional development
"Asrenovič also in running for president": The Maribor mayor has announced candidacy for the president of the council of cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija (East Slovenia) as part of the new financial perspective for 2021-2027. (front page, 4)

Ski jumping
"Križnar gets her dream come true": In the season finale for the women's Ski Jumping World Cup in Russia's Chaykovsky, Slovenia were second in the team event, while Nika Križnar finished third in the individual event to win the large crystal globe for the overall winner. (front page, 2, 16-17, 21)

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