Daily headlines - Thursday, 1 April

Ljubljana, 1 April - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 1 April:


Foreign investment
"Foreigners fleeing, domestic investors returning": Three multinationals have announced one after the other they are leaving Slovenia, making 1,100 jobless. But relocation of production back to Slovenia is also happening. (front page, 8)

Political situation
"Počivalšek owes Janša": Unofficial information suggests Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek is willing to return to parliament to provide the missing 46th vote for the coalition. (front page)

Retirement provisions of stimulus law
"Another voice against contentious provisions": The Labour Law Association has joined the chorus of voices warning about the contentiousness of provisions on early retirement in the seventh economic stimulus law. (front page, 4)

"Second track construction begins in May": Construction works on the Divača-Koper rail track are likely to start in May after the contract for the first section was signed yesterday. (front page, 9)


Covid measures
"No more trust in government": A year into the epidemic, the Janez Janša government has squandered the majority of trust. A year ago almost 60% said the government was taking good measures, now the situation has been reversed. (front page, 3, 16)

Lockdown in sport
"Government shutting down sport again without arguments": There is anger on the sport scene about the government having shut down top-level competition yet again. (front page, 17)


"Businesses shutting down": Businesses have gotten used to shutting down and then opening again, but they are worried this lockdown will not last just 11 days. (front page, 2, 3)

Legislation on pharmacies
"Free reign for Lekarne Ljubljana to expand? Profit will be in abundance": SMC deputies would like to change pharmacy law to benefit in particular Lekarne Ljubljana. Claims that this will make drugs cheaper are a fairytale. (front page, 4, 5)

"When will higher input prices hit us": Analysts say normalisation of life will result in higher prices, marking a return of inflation in 2021. (front page, 5)

Bank lending
"Moratorium until the end of 2021": The government has proposed that banks extend loan moratoriums until the end of 2021, news that businesses have been eagerly awaiting. (front page, 9)


Political situation
"Political chess during holiday season": Some speculate that the political crisis will be resolved with a snap election, others think Economy Minister Zdravko Počivalšek will return as MP to secure one extra vote for the coalition. (front page, 2, 3)

"Schools no, beer yes": Schools and kindergartens will close, but bars will be able to sell alcohol to go, something that has so far been forbidden. (front page, 4, 5)

Ski season
"Worst season ever": Pohorje recorded 60,000 fewer skiers than last year, for the worst season ever. (front page, 9)

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