This April in Slovenia coldest in last 20 years

Ljubljana, 30 April - This year's April in Slovenia was the coldest April in the last 20 years, the Environment Agency has said. The average temperatures for the entire country were 1.5 degrees Celsius lower than the national average in the meteorological period between 1981 and 2010.

Snowfall in the capital.
Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

According to the Environment Agency, the average temperature in the capital of Ljubljana in April was 9 degrees Celsius.

The warmest day this month was 1 April, when temperatures rose to up to 25 degrees in some parts of the country. Only a week later, the lowest average temperatures for April since 1997 were recorded around the country.

The morning of 7 April was in many places the coldest April morning in the last 70 years, and the lowest temperatures on record for April were observed in some locations.

The Environment Agency told the STA that such temperature fluctuations in the past month had been observed in the entire Europe.

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