Slovenian Olympic torch begins journey across the country

Bovec, 3 May - The Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its 81-day journey around Slovenia in Bovec on Monday to visit all 212 municipalities until 23 July, after it was taken to Triglav, the country's highest mountain, at the weekend. Over 5,000 runners will carry the symbol of the Olympic Games in the run-up to the Tokyo Summer Olympics.

Bovec Ex-Alpine skier Miran Gašperšič lights the Slovenian Olympic torch, which set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport. Photo: STA

Ex-Alpine skier Miran Gašperšič lights the Slovenian Olympic torch, which set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport.
Photo: STA

Bovec Ex-Alpine skier Miran Gašperšič lights the Slovenian Olympic torch, which set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport. Photo: STA

Ex-Alpine skier Miran Gašperšič lights the Slovenian Olympic torch, which set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport.
Photo: STA

Bovec Bovec Mayor addressing a ceremony at which the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport. Photo: STA

Bovec Mayor addressing a ceremony at which the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport.
Photo: STA

Bovec. V Bovcu je potekala slovesna prireditev, s katero so organizatorji na pot po Sloveniji pospremili Olimpijsko baklo. Od 3. maja pa do 23. julija bo na poti po Sloveniji, v 81-ih dneh bo tako obhodila vseh 212 slovenskih občin. Bovški župan Valter Mlekuž. Foto: STA

V Bovcu je potekala slovesna prireditev, s katero so organizatorji na pot po Sloveniji pospremili Olimpijsko baklo. Od 3. maja pa do 23. julija bo na poti po Sloveniji, v 81-ih dneh bo tako obhodila vseh 212 slovenskih občin.
Bovški župan Valter Mlekuž.
Foto: STA

Bovec Bovec primary school gymnasts putting on a show as the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport. Photo: STA

Bovec primary school gymnasts putting on a show as the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport.
Photo: STA

Bovec Three riders take the Slovenian Olympic torch in Bovec to take it to the town of Kobarid. Photo: STA

Three riders take the Slovenian Olympic torch in Bovec to take it to the town of Kobarid.
Photo: STA

Bovec Athletes from Bovec area bring the Slovenian Olympic torch to Bovec, from where it started its 81-day journey across the country. Photo: STA

Athletes from Bovec area bring the Slovenian Olympic torch to Bovec, from where it started its 81-day journey across the country.
Photo: STA

Bovec. V Bovcu je potekala slovesna prireditev, s katero so organizatorji na pot po Sloveniji pospremili Olimpijsko baklo. Od 3. maja pa do 23. julija bo na poti po Sloveniji, v 81-ih dneh bo tako obhodila vseh 212 slovenskih občin. Foto: STA

V Bovcu je potekala slovesna prireditev, s katero so organizatorji na pot po Sloveniji pospremili Olimpijsko baklo. Od 3. maja pa do 23. julija bo na poti po Sloveniji, v 81-ih dneh bo tako obhodila vseh 212 slovenskih občin.
Foto: STA

Bovec The Slovenian Olympic torch sets out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport. Photo: STA

The Slovenian Olympic torch sets out on its journey across the country at Bovec airport.
Photo: STA

Bovec Kids from the Bovec primary school join the ceremony at which the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country. Photo: STA

Kids from the Bovec primary school join the ceremony at which the Slovenian Olympic torch set out on its journey across the country.
Photo: STA

The torch was brought to Bovec by athletes from Bovec area - footballer Primož Zorc, kayaker Igor Mlekuž and climber Tine Cuder, while ex-Alpine skier Miran Gašperšič had the honour of lighting it.

Mayor Valter Mlekuž said that it was a special honour for Bovec to see the Olympic torch begin its journey here.

Ex-runner Meta Mačus, head of the regional Olympic office in Nova Gorica, believes the torch will fill people with positive emotions and the Olympic spirit, as it connects the entire country.

The torch was then taken by up-and-coming athletes from Bovec area footballer Zala Kuštrin, freestyle skier Matej Bradaškja and runner Tobi Gabršček passing it on to three riders, who took it to the town of Kobarid.

Children from the Bovec primary school also took part in the launch ceremony, carrying banners with motivational slogans for Slovenian athletes, while year-eight gymnasts presented their skills.

The torch's journey is organised by the Slovenian Olympic Committee in collaboration with the police.

The torch is made of recycled steel and Slovenian beechwood, and will finish its journey in Ravne na Koroškem, where it was forged.

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