Daily headlines - Tuesday, 25 May

Ljubljana, 25 May - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 25 May:


"Austrians acknowledge blood testes, we don't": In Slovenia, more than 240,000 people have recovered from Covid-19, according to official data, but it is estimated that at least two or three times as many people have been in contact with the virus. (front page, 5)

"Slovenian IT development moving to Serbia": The NLB bank is opening a development centre in Belgrade, employing 40 people. The Slovenian education system does not produce enough staff for such jobs, says CEO Blaž Brodnja. (front page, 10)

EU summit
"Summit in the shade of Belarus": The extraordinary EU summit that started last night in Brussels was dominated by the actions of the Belarus regime in the face of a forced landing of an Ryanair plane. (front page, 3, 7)


"EU strongly against Lukashenko": The EU has responded to the kidnapping of a passenger plane and arrest of a pro-opposition journalist Roman Protasevič by announcing fierce sanctions against Minsk. (front page, 6, commentary 12)

"We will be sticking the classic vignette in 2022 too": The Slovakian company SkyToll will not set up the electronic tolling system by the deadline, so drivers will have to buy the classic toll sticker next year as well. (front page, 5)


"Builders fully occupied and increasingly expensive": Builders are very busy these days and the prices of their services have gone up by up to a third due to higher prices of raw materials. (front page, 4)

IMAD forecast
"How many bankruptcies this year": As the Covid-19 crisis is letting go, the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD) warns that abolishing stimulus measures too quickly could lead to liquidation of competent companies, while keeping the measures for too long would enable the incompetent to survive. (front page, 5)

Compact cars
"How much does insurance and maintenance of compact cars cost": The paper presents the results of the PRIMA comparison of nine C-class cars. The winner is Ford Focus. (front page, 7)


"No room for the young": The unemployment and underpaid work among the young in the culture and creative sector have increased during the epidemic. (front page, 3, 16-17)

"Few more days for returning the money": The deadline for refunding those who were unable to travel because of the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic expires at the end of the month. (front page, 5)

"'Branch' also in Slovenia": Slovenian police have caught almost 60 alleged members of a criminal ring from Montenegro that traded in drugs and arms. (front page, 21)

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