Daily headlines - Thursday, 1 July

Ljubljana, 1 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 1 July:


"Larger private health centres emerging": Private healthcare in Slovenia has been undergoing changes. Alfi PE, Slovenia's largest private equity fund, on the one hand and insurers Zavarovalnica Triglav and Sava Re, and Vzajemna on the other are consolidating the market. (front page, 9)

Easing of restrictions
"New easing as of Monday": Due to the favourable epidemiological situation the government, which visited the Podravje region yesterday, has decided to lift many restrictions as of Monday, including for libraries, museums, shops and sports. (front page)

Tour de France
"Tadej Pogačar taking over at Tour": Slovenia's cycling star Tadej Pogačar is not wearing the yellow jersey at the Tour de France yet, but in stage five he showed he is a serious contender for winning the race twice in a row. (front page, 21)


EU presidency
"Divided country at the helm of EU for six months": Slovenia is starting a six-month stint at the helm of the Council of the EU with the traditional visit by the European Commission at the start of the stint. (front page, 2)

Epidemic legislation
"Government introducing legal basis for curfew": Changes to the communicable diseases act that MPs will discuss next week will allow the government to introduce rigorous epidemiological measures, for example curfew, movement restriction to a certain distance from home or a full ban on assembly. (front page, 3)

"Basketball Olympic Games qualifications: Slovenia blows off Angola at the start": The Slovenian men's basketball team bagged their first victory at a qualifying tournament for the Summer Olympics in Tokyo by defeating Angola 118:68 in Kaunas yesterday. (front page, 18)


Companies during epidemic
"What did companies improve during epidemic": The Covid-19 epidemic and related restrictions have changed companies' operations, bringing a development impetus to some. Many of the changes will most probably stay on. (front page, 2-3)

"Will NLB buy mBills from Petrol?": The paper quotes unofficial information saying that Slovenia's largest banking group, NLB, is conducting a due diligence at mBills, a fin-tech company owned by energy group Petrol since 2017. (front page, 2-3)

"Cleangrad growing with vaccine producers": Cleangrad, producing panels, and glass, stainless steel and aluminium walls, furniture and other equipment for pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and laboratories, is now building sterile rooms for six vaccine producers, including Pfizer and Janssen. (front page, 4-5)


"Money will come for two hospitals": The government paid a visit to the Podravje region a day before the start of the EU presidency with healthcare, transport, environment and development challenge topping the agenda. (front page, 2-3)

EU presidency
"Where can Slovenia shine": The EU-Western Balkans summit could be the highlight to Slovenia's second stint at the helm of the Council of the EU, the paper says at the start of the six-month stint. (front page, 5)

Tour de France
"Picking up where he left off": After the excellent time trial last year, which brought him the yellow jersey just before Champs-Élysées, Tadej Pogačar again shines bright at the Tour de France, having won a time trial race yesterday. (front page, 23)

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