Daily headlines - Wednesday, 7 July

Ljubljana, 7 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 7 July:


EU presidency
"From battle against crisis to EU's strategic dilemmas": Prime Minister Janez Janša's speech at the European Parliament made it clear that expectations regarding Slovenia's EU presidency mainly revolve around post-pandemic recovery. Janša personally sees the presidency as a transition from fighting the crisis to strategic decisions. (front page, 3)

Referendum voting
"An hour long line to cast the vote": At the early-voting polling station in Ljubljana, voters had to wait an hour to cast their votes yesterday. A polling station worker said she could not recall ever seeing such crowds. (front page, 2)

Air Montenegro
"Carrier is critical infrastructure": Predrag Todorović, the director of Air Montenegro, says it is difficult to make a profit in aviation, but an air carrier constitutes critical infrastructure for a country. (front page, 9)

"Italy in final after extraordinary effort": Italy defeated its Mediterranean rival Spain to enter the final of the Euro. (front page)


Referendum voting
"Problems the very first day": The first day of early voting in the referendum on the waters act was marked by massive turnout and new allegations of voter suppression. In Ljubljana, voters had to wait more than an hour to cast their ballots. (front page, 5)

EU presidency
"Janša received sceptically by European Parliament": After Prime Minister Janez Janša yesterday presented Slovenia's EU presidency priorities at the European Parliament, multiple MEPs expressed concern about the rule of law and Slovenia's ability to handle the presidency. (front page, 2, 12)


Oil prices
"Oil at its highest since 2018. For how long?": Since the start of the year oil prices have gone up by 50%, which is already spilling into inflation pressure. Analysts do not expect prices to fall soon. (front page, 2, 3)

Real estate
"Iskra Impuls buys package of Mercator stores": Retailer Mercator has sold more than EUR 20 million worth of stores and land to property developer Iskra Impuls. One possibility mulled by the buyer is building apartments on top of these stores. (front page, 4)

Monetary policy
"When could a central bank hit the brake?": While the post-pandemic recovery continues, it seems it may take a while before a central bank steps on the brakes and closes the money spigot. (front page, 6, 7)


Referendum voting
"Crowds and confusion": There have been allegations of voter suppression as early and absentee voting started in the referendum on the waters act. There were long lines in Ljubljana and confusion as to the location of polling stations in Maribor. (front page, 2, 3)

Business awards
"Entrepreneurial Maribor honoured": Two of the four recipients of this year's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS) awards for exceptional achievements in sports are from Maribor: Marko Lukić of Lumar IG and Jasna Dominko Baluh of DOBA Fakulteta. (front page, 6)

Foreign media reporting on Slovenia
"From Janša to Dončić": Foreign media have recently often featured stories about scandals involving Slovenian politics. It appears Slovenian athletes are salvaging the country's reputation abroad. (front page, 5)

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