Daily headlines - Friday, 3 June

Ljubljana, 3 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 3 June:


Ukraine war
"Ukraine loses a hundred soldiers each day": A hundred days into the Ukraine war, Russia keeps trying to completely 'liberate' Donetsk and Luhansk. (front page, 2, 3)

New government
"They've started working": Ministers in the Robert Golob government have formally taken over from their predecessors and expect to get down to business immediately. (front page, 4)

"Official start of festival today": The Maribor Theatre Festival officially kicks off today bringing 15 shows in the competition programme. (front page, 16)

"Sweden cools down Stožice Arena": Slovenia lost 0:2 to Sweden in the opening round of the Nations League. (front page, 18)

Delivery industry
"Booming business for delivery firms": The surge in online shopping over the last two years has led to booming demand for delivery services and companies in the industry are making bumper profits. (front page, 8)


Gas supplies
"Will the Russians turn off the gas tap?": Gazprom has been stopping deliveries to European energy firms who refuse to pay in roubles. Slovenia's Geoplin has done what Italian and German companies have: it opened two accounts with Gazprombank, one in euros and one in roubles. (front page, 4)

Traffic safety
"Too many mobiles and too much alcohol, too few helmets": Last year cyclists caused more than half of all accidents they were involved in. More and more cyclists ride drunk and use a mobile while riding. (front page, 12, 14)


NKBM acquisition
"When will it be in Hungarian hands": A year after signing the purchase agreement, Hungary's OTP bank is still waiting for regulatory clearance for its acquisition of NKBM. (front page, 2, 6)

New government
"Replacement of ministers and teams": In less than 24 hours after taking office, the Robert Golob government held two sessions focused on staffing. (front page, 3)

"Judge did not determine risk or reoffending": After a Maribor woman stabbed and killed a violent ex-husband who had a restraining order, questions are being asked about how police are keeping checks on restraining orders. (front page, 13)

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