Daily headlines - Wednesday, 8 June

Ljubljana, 8 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 8 June:


Shortened work week
"Fridays to be off at Boscarol's": Having sold his innovative aircraft business, Ivo Boscarol will introduce a four-day work week at his new namesake company, which will mange family property. (front page, page 3)

Monetary policy
"End of cheap loans": All eyes of the financial public tomorrow will be on the Governing Council of the European Central Bank as it deliberates on monetary policy measures in response to record-high inflation. (front page, page 10)

Green transition
"Ever lower ambitions": The European Parliament's agenda in June includes eight out of 14 legislative dossiers making up the European Commission's Fit for 55 package. Commission Vice President for Green Transition Frans Timmermans urged MEPs not to make concessions on the ambitions. (front page, page 5)


Anti-hail protection
"Flyers waiting for money to fight hail": Hailstorms have wreaked destruction several times this year, but the Cessna 206 that fights storm clouds is still waiting for a written confirmation from the Agriculture Ministry that it will secure up to EUR 120,000 for anti-hail air defence. (front page, page 4)

"Most Slovenian beaches officially open on 15 June": The warm sea and heat have attracted first bathers to the seaside, but Slovenian beaches do not open officially until 15 June when lifeguards will be present daily and deckchairs and sunshades can will be available for hire. (front page, page 7)


"What is tax with flat-rate deduction in Austria and what in Slovenia": The main difference between the Slovenian and Austrian systems is that here flat-rate deduction pays for consultants and others with low real costs, especially as their second job, and in Austria it mainly pays for craftsmen, restaurateurs and shopkeepers. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Monetary policy
"Quantitative tightening. What's the meaning of the new term you should know about": Quantitative tightening is the opposite non-conventional monetary policy of quantitative easing, but this does not necessarily mean its impact in the opposite direction will be equally large. (front page, pages 4, 5)

"After splendid last year Magneti continues investing in new projects": Magneti, a Ljubljana-based company manufacturing magnets for phones, computers and cars, increased sales revenue by 16% to EUR 17 million last year to post a net profit EUR 850,000. Many of its development projects are financially supported by the European Commission. (front page, page 7)


"Pensioners to get annual allowance at the end of month": All pensioners will get EUR 140 to 450 in annual allowance with their June pensions. (front page, page 3)

Primary healthcare
"Less paperwork, more time for patients": Doctors in primary care want to do medicine, not paperwork. They believe in this way there would be enough of them for all patients. (front page, page 5)

"State wins suit against narcoboss": As the trial in a major drug trafficking case is coming to a close, the alleged leader of the ring concerned, Aleš Zupančič, who has pleaded not-guilty, has seen his properties, car, assets on five bank accounts and a stake in a company seized by the state. (front page, page 13)

Foreign investment
"Investment that inspires optimism": German Carthago is investing several million euros in into its Ormož location, planning to open 160 new jobs for a start. (front page, page 21)

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