Daily headlines - Wednesday, 22 June

Ljubljana, 22 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 22 June:


"Worst drought of the last half a century looming": Slovenia has been in a period of draught since last year, with the western parts of the country particularly affected. Drinking water supply on the coast will probably be limited in the coming days. (front page, 3)

EU prospects for Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Ray of hope from the EU": If Bosnia-Herzegovina received the status of an EU candidate country together with Ukraine and Moldova, this would be a huge injection of optimism for this poor Balkan country, says Milan Radović from the leading Bosnian opposition party. (front page, 9)

Fuel supply
"Disruptions still not eliminated": After service stations ran out of fuel ahead of Tuesday's rise in petrol prices, fuel shortages were also reported on Tuesday in some parts of the country, especially in the western Primorska region. (front page, 9)

Ljubljana Festival
"Spectacular start of the 70th Ljubljana Festival": The 70th Ljubljana Festival started in Ljubljana's Congress Square last night with the Slovenian Pop Song event. (front page)


Price hikes
"Prices rising in care homes too": Care homes too are faced with rising prices of electricity, gas, heating and food, and labour costs are slowly increasing as well. Most homes in Ljubljana raised their prices in March. (front page, 8)

Traffic safety
"Slovenia at the bottom among European countries": The European Transport Safety Council has honoured Lithuania for making the most progress in traffic safety in the last decade. Slovenia did very poorly in this respect. (front page, 10)

Ljubljana Festival
"Congress Square: 70th Ljubljana Festival starts with Summer Night": The 70th Ljubljana Festival started in Ljubljana's Congress Square last night with the Slovenian Pop Song event, marking the 60th anniversary of the genre. (front page)


Fuel prices
"How much cheaper will be fuel for hauliers?": Representatives of hauliers will meet Energy Minister Bojan Kumer tomorrow and Prime Minister Robert Golob to discuss the idea to put diesel prices for hauliers along motorways on an equal footing with the off-motorway prices to avoid increased traffic. (front page, 4)

Rising interest rates
"Interest rates are going up. Which large companies could have problems?": The paper looks at what kind of a share of loans with variable interest rate do companies Mercator, Unior, Telekom Slovenije, DARS and Luka Koper have. (front page, 2-3)

Working from home
"British finance experts refuse to go back to their offices. What about Slovenian?": Most Slovenian financial companies allow their staff to work from home. So far, only one bank has cut on the size of its offices on account of this. (front page, 6-7)


Kindergarten prices
"They do not want to put the costs on to parents": The rises in the prices of raw materials, food for children, energy and also higher labour costs are putting kindergartens in a difficult position where they need to decide whether they will raise their fees and distress the parents. (front page, 5)

"Two of Olaj's co-workers fired": The new police commissioner sacked two of the closest allies of former Police Commissioner Anton Olaj. (front page, 4)

Oil retailers
"Investigation into fuel retailers": The Competition Protection Agency has launched an investigation into whether Petrol and OMV Slovenija, the country's two largest fuel retailers, have abused their dominant market position in recent days as there were fuel shortages right before a new pricing regime kicked in. (front page, 3)

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