Daily headlines - Tuesday, 5 July
Ljubljana, 5 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 5 July:
"Everybody will raise prices of energy in autumn": Energy experts warn that the electricity and gas market has collapsed, as the prices are sky-high, and prices are to go up again in the autumn at the latest at all providers, except at Gen-I, which announced higher electricity prices for August. (front page, 3)
War in Ukraine
"Fight in Ukraine is fight of us all": On the 131st day of the war in Ukraine, a donor conference for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine started in Switzerland's Lugano. Pope Francis wants to visit Moscow and Kyiv in an effort to contribute to peace in Ukraine. (front page, 5)
Marmolada disaster
"Rescuers looking for possible survivors": Rescuers are still looking for possible survivors of the disaster that took place on Mt Marmolada in the Italian Dolomites, as part of a glacier broke off and triggered an avalanche. A total of 14 people are still missing. (front page)
"Going to mountains in bathing suits, flip-flops and beer in hand": People in light sneakers with flat soles, or even in flip-flops, dressed in bathing suits with inflatable mattresses on their backs, towels around their necks, beer in hand and in the company of young children - these are the scenes on one of the most popular and most dangerous mountain trails in Slovenia. (front page, 7, commentary 12)
State Attorney's Office
"Second thoughts about new term of Jurij Groznik": While the Justice Ministry wants Jurij Groznik to continue to head the State Attorney's Office, the Necenzurirano news portal says that several ministers have raised objections due to Groznik's involvement in lawsuits launched by the previous government. (front page, 3)
OECD recommendations
"Focus on inflation, relieve wages, increase productivity": The paper looks at what is the latest economic outlook for Slovenia by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and what the main finance experts want people to pay attention to in the time of high growth in prices. (front page, 2-3)
"BKS first to abandon fixed interest rate for housing loans": As of 3 May, BKS Bank no longer gives loans with a fixed interest rate for housing loans, while it still offers such rates for loans with the repayment period of three years. (front page, 10-11)
"Debtor flu spreading around the world": The bankruptcy of Sri Lanka, where schools have cancelled final exams as they cannot even afford to buy ink and which in May could not pay 78 million dollars in interest on its debt for the first time in history, could be followed by several other poor countries. (front page, 6-7)
Energy prices
"Electric shock for companies": According to a survey carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GZS), a quarter of companies have assessed the current energy prices as life-threatening, and calls have been made for the government to take measures. (front page, 6)
Sick leaves
"On sick leave for thirteen years": A total of EUR 291.9 million was paid from the public health insurance fund for sick leave compensations by 31 May this year, and the final figure for the entire year could exceed EUR 700 million. (front page, 5)
Corruption in healthcare
"Three years in prison for corruption": Nataša Faganeli, the head of the pharmacy at the Valdoltra orthopaedic hospital, has been found guilty of demanding and accepting kickbacks in exchange for supply orders, receiving a three-year prison sentence and a fine of EUR 35,000. She will also have to return EUR 89,000 in illegal gains. (front page, 13)
Sports infrastructure
"Worries and problems with builders": Although the renovation of Tabor Arena in Maribor, which started last November, should have been finished in mid-March, the deadline was extended until 20 May. The work is yet to be completed as the municipality has been forced to sign yet another annex with the contractor. (front page, 18)