Daily headlines - Tuesday, 23 August

Ljubljana, 23 August - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 23 August:


"Germans have bought more e-vignettes than Slovenians": Nine months after it launched the new system, the motorway company is happy with electronic vignettes: by the end of July their sales were up 7.4% on the pre-Covid year of 2019 on comparable traffic. German drivers have so far bought the most e-vignettes. (front page, page 9)

Single currency
"The euro slips below the dollar": Inflation, the fear of economic crisis and jittery financial markets have again pushed the euro below parity with the US dollar. Some deals were closed below parity a month ago, but the euro was still able to recover then. This time it may be different. (front page, page 8)

"Waiting for last remarks": The Agriculture Ministry presented a draft of the Common Agricultural Policy strategic plan for 2023-2027 at the AGRA fair while the final proposal is being agreed with the European Commission and mitigation measures with the Environment Ministry. (front page, page 4)


Energy companies
"They are selling electricity they don't have": GEN Energija has pre-sold the electricity that was to be generated by the Krško nuclear power plant during a month-long scheduled maintenance but it is obviously not going to. (front page, page 5)

Presidential election
"Candidates start collecting signatures": Potential candidates for the presidential election were able to start collecting voter signatures yesterday. (front page, page 2)

Seismic-resistant renovation
"European money for earthquake-resistant renovation": The EUR 1 billion-plus available for green transition in EU and national budget funds is to provide a source of funding to make multi-apartment buildings earthquake-resistant. In Ljubljana, more than 40,000 people live in earthquake-prone homes. (front page, page 9)


Energy industry pay
"Which companies pay their staff best and how much energy execs made last year": While waiting for GEN-I to release the 2021 annual report that will presumably also include data of PM Robert Golob's pay last year, the paper carries data on executive pay in other energy companies. In a separate article it also reports on top energy companies in terms of employee pay. (front page, pages 2-5)

Property auctions
"Restaurants, stores, hotel, cinema theatres, it is all up for auction": The paper runs an overview of the latest auctions. (front page, pages 12, 13)

"EUR 8,160 subsidy for green jobs": The Employment Service has published an invitation to apply for subsidies for recruiting the unemployed for green jobs. The employer can get EUR 680 subsidy a month for a year in employing for an indefinite period of time. (front page, page 8)


Mental health
"Pressure on psychiatry": An increasing number of people have symptoms of psychiatric disorders, but there are much fewer beds available for such patients at UKC Maribor due to Covid-19. (front page, page 18)

Presidential election
"The race has begun": Exactly two months to go to the election, candidates to succeed Borut Pahor at the presidential palace have stepped up their campaign as they begun collecting signatures in support of their bids yesterday. (front page, 2, 3)

"Ministries without own cleaners": Despite the promise to do so, the government has not yet started tackling the issue of outsourcing. (front page, page 5)

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