Daily headlines - Monday, 3 October

Ljubljana, 3 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 3 October:


Gas supplies
"Russian gas supplies increasingly at risk": The news that Russia's Gazprom suspended gas supplies to Italy also caused concern in Slovenia because both countries get gas by the same pipeline from the Baumgarten gas hub before it splits into separate pipelines. (front page, 3)

War in Ukraine
"Pope appeals to Putin for peace for the first time": Pope Francis condemned Russia's annexation of four Ukrainian regions, calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop the war for the first time since the start of the Russian invasion. (front page, 3, 5, 6)

Football stadium crush
"Stadium stampede claims 125 lives": At least 125 people were killed and more than 320 injured as supporters clashed with police at a football derby in Indonesia. (front page, 15)


Prescription drugs
"What to do not to end up without medicines": After a third bulk buy of prescription drugs for pharmacies has been annulled, Aljoša Feldin, whose PhD thesis mentor was a Nobel prize winner, suggests procurement by means of a public auction. (front page, 2)

"At the end of term, yet another shopping centre": Before the end the term Ljubljana city councillors will take a vote on a new shopping centre planned by Spar at the intersection of Barjanska Cesta and Cesta Dveh Cesarjev, at the location of the Trnovo horse riding club. (front page, 6, commentary 16)


Doctor salaries
"How much doctors make": Doctors earned an average 4,673 euros gross a month last year, 39% more than in 2015, official data shows. They now say they will go on strike for much higher pay. (front page, 4, 5)

Factory of the Year award
"New plant takes Hermi Celje to rapid growth": Hermi Celje, a manufacturer of lightning and surge protection and mounting systems for solar plants, built a new plant at the Celje industrial zone last year, which now puts out 4.5 million products a year, 1.5 million more than before. (front page, 14, 15)

"Are new tax changes unconstitutional?": In an op-ed jurist Matej Avbelj examines tax changes proposed by the government. (front page, 9)


Verbund lawsuit
"What with a flood of suits": The first judgment in favour of plaintiffs in a damage suit against the Austrian power utility Verbund over the 2012 flooding does not mean victory yet. (front page, 2)

"He stabbed him seven times for his phone": A 15-year-old stabbed a 17-year seven times in Maribor on Friday because the victim would not give him his phone. (front page, 13)

Local government finances
"It's humiliating attitude by the government": Negotiators for municipalities walked out of talks with the government in protest at the low amount of the per-capita sum they were offered in financing for the next two years. (front page, 4)

Old Vine grape harvest
"Old Vine produces rich yield again": The world's oldest vine in Maribor has produced 66 kilos of red grapes this year in what is one of the better yields. (front page, 8)

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