Daily headlines - Friday, 7 October

Ljubljana, 7 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 7 October:


Children's Week
"Children do not have time for happiness": Modern-day school children often have so many activities that they run out of time for reading, playing and socialising, which is an issue raised at this year's Children's Week. (front page, 12)

Municipal companies
"Guidelines for better managing": The managing of municipality-owned companies has long been quite laissez-faire as apart from legal regulations there were no guidelines, but now a code for managing such companies has been drawn up. (front page, 8)

City of Women
"City of Women dominates Ljubljana again": The 28th international festival City of Women opened with a ceremony yesterday. It will examine the impact of colonialism on Southeast Europe and focus on the intersection of gender and race. (front page)


Magna Steyr
"Magna paint shop not painting any more": Under a contract made in October 2017, the Slovenian Magna Steyr should now employ at least 404 people. Not even half of that goal has been achieved. The production will not be launched any more this year, and 160 employees are on furlough until the end of the year. (front page, 3)

Family disputes
"Experts suffering from burnout, parents and children waiting": Due to severe shortages of experts in clinical psychology as well as in paedopsychiatry, court proceedings are prolonged in family matters cases - the very ones that should be processed quickly. (front page, 11)


"Opposition's referendum tactics": Apart from voting in presidential and local elections, Slovenians will also vote in three opposition-sponsored referendums this autumn. (front page, 2)

Recapitalisation of Geoplin
"Petrol calls for capital hike at Geoplin": The government could provide a EUR 200 million capital hike at gas trader Geoplin and is just before signing a contract on the supply of Algerian gas. (front page, 3)

Indigo festival
"Can we still think war?": Slavoj Žižek and Ervin Hladnik Milharčič exchanged views on the war in Ukraine at a debate in Ljubljana's Cukrarna art venue. (front page, 8)

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